GHG Emission Reduction – WORLDWIDE – GCR


Reduce waste to landfill: Globechain solve a big problem globally, with waste materials and products being a converted to resource and a valuable commodity of the future. Boasting 16 SDG’s the world’s largest ESG Re-use Marketplace, they connect businesses, nonprofits, and SMEs to redistribute surplus (otherwise waste to landfill) items or commodities across construction, real estate, retail, healthcare and hospitality industries. The marketplace enables enterprises to repurpose and reuse unneeded, obsolete stock and assets, drastically reducing waste, storage, and disposal costs while providing and generating robust Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) and SDG data.

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Reduce waste to landfill: Globechain believes businesses should be commercial with a conscience, with waste being a resource and a valuable commodity of the future. As the world’s largest ESG Re-use Marketplace, they connect businesses, nonprofits, and SMEs to redistribute surplus (otherwise waste to landfill) items or commodities across construction, real estate, retail, healthcare and hospitality industries. The marketplace enables enterprises to repurpose and reuse unneeded, obsolete stock and assets, drastically reducing waste, storage, and disposal costs while providing and generating robust Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) and SDG data. Purchasing Globechain’s carbon credits allows businesses to offset their emissions effectively and transparently while supporting a company that drives sustainability, operational efficiency, and meaningful change. They are creating a future where being net-zero is not just a goal but a way of doing business. The estimated average annual emissions reductions are 77,427 tCO2e. This is expected to increase in future years thanks to the support of the sale of these carbon credits to finance and support expansion of the business.

  • 16 SDG – 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,16,17
  • Vintage 2020/2021/2022
  • Global Carbon Registry Registered

Project Information:

Buy to Cancel or Retire. Minimum purchase of 100 tonnes. So that we may send you your Offsetting Certificate, we will require information on your  cancellation reasons and ‘beneficiary’ details as per the below;

  • Company or Individual Name to be entered into the Certificate:
  • Cancellation / Retirement Reason Eg. ‘Voluntary offset of business activities for “company name”

Email us the above information at and we will complete the Cancellation / Retirement on your behalf and email you the certificate.


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